Fitness Celebrity
You know those commercials for “Fitness Made Simple” starring “Fitness Celebrity” (whatever the hell that is) whassisname? I always hated those commercials. I resented them for inventing a fake celebrity (a la Paris Hilton), I didn’t like the guy’s haircut, and I think it’s weird looking when people are that chisled anyway. But…
This self-proclaimed Fitness Celebrity is name is John Basedow and it’s looking like he got killed in the tsunami.
Crap! I didn’t like his stupid commercials, but I didn’t want him to die. It makes me feel like I should be more careful about the commercials I criticize. I mean, I bet there are people out there who think the commercial I did for Gypsy Magic is pretty lame. I think it’s awesome, but then, John Basedow probably thought his commericals were good too.
Who’s next, the “Where’s the beef?” lady?
Oh, double-crap…