I wish I had some frozen fruit
Doesn’t frozen fruit sound good? I really like frozen cherries and grapes. I’m thinking of trying frozen peaches too. I need to make a heavy-duty trip to the grocery store, and it’s going to be frozen fruit-o-rama.
Would it be weird to eat a shrimp sandwich? I kind of want a shrimp sandwich. I don’t mean a po’ boy or anything, more like just a handful of shrimp on a couple of pieces of whole wheat. That sounds pretty good. Can you tell I’m hungry? I’m going to have a granola bar in 7 minutes, because I like to have some carbs an hour before I go running, which I’m going to do after work at 5. Denny and my friend Alyssa are going to play basketball while I run in circles. It will be a delight for all concerned, I’m sure.
In wedding-related news: we went to the rental place last night and got some things settled. They’re getting a new kind of dance floor that will work on a grassy surface (good to know, now that we’re probably going to have tents on grass instead of the concrete patio), and they also will rent us platforms that we can stand on for the ceremony. They can be arranged so they’re at heights of 8″ or 16″. I vote for 8″ because I would get less hurt if I pass out and fall off during the ceremony.
Also: over lunch today we went into a jewelry store and looked at wedding bands. I’m trying to decide whether we should buy them locally or get them from a website. You know what a fan I am of using local businesses, but dang, the web has some cheap wedding bands. I think when you buy locally, you get a lifetime guarantee or something, but I don’t know if it’s really worth it.
Anyway, Denny was most interested in one a lot like this:
6 mm white gold domed comfort fit
they don’t have that one in 4 mm, which is the size I wanted. A competing website does, but the 4 mm actually costs more than the 6 mm one, above, which seems stupid considering it’s less gold.