
New favorite product

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:32 pm

Oh my lordy, this stuff is amazing.

Fructodent toothpaste from Italy (but available at my local Osco) comes in all kinds of amazing flavors. I got mint-chocolate, and it tastes exactly like one of those candy-covered chocolate mint balls they have at some restaurants. I love those things!

Also available are mint-strawberry, orange-lemon, green apple, eucalyptus, aniseed-licorice, and vanilla. I was wandering around the toothpaste aisle looking for my favorite vanilla-mint Crest, but I tell you what, this is just as good (or better).

Since I wasn’t sure if I’d like it or not, I got some vanilla-mint Crest too. Now I have all kinds of ice-creamy toothpaste flavors. Maybe I’ll mix them together and make a twist-cone of dental hygiene.

Random weirdos are weird.

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:40 pm

I had the most bizarre random Yahoo Messenger conversation this morning.

Yahoo Messenger is so weird. It’s the the only instant messaging system that I know of where you can actually browse people’s profiles; my profile very clearly states that I’m married and not interested in anything other than friendly chat, though sometimes people don’t pay attention to that. Anyway, this guy seemed more or less reasonable at first, then it descended into strange, racist, anti-government ranting. I tried to remain non-committal, because I really doubt he would have listened to any other viewpoint. I was cracking up the whole time, though.

The transcripts (with annotations).

In entirely separate but also hilarious news, check out Gizoogle, or Searching the Snoop Dog Way.

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