Mildly inaccurate fame
My friend Ben sent me a recent copy of the Iowa Memorial Union newsletter. It featured an article about weddings at the IMU. I vaguely remember being contacted a million years ago by someone about including a wedding picture of Denny and me outside the IMU, but then I forgot about it.
But here it is!
Notice how we are deemed slightly more important than Curious George. The funny thing is, we didn’t even get married at the IMU. We got married at the Museum of Art, across the bridge. We did get ready at the IMU, though, because that’s where people had hotel rooms. I also find it funny that they were kind enough to include my dad’s copyright on the picture (upon my request), but we are completely unidentified. I guess that’s so nobody contacts us and discovers the truth, that we didn’t get married at the IMU at all.
If you’re curious, here’s a zoom-in so you can read the article, and here’s a zoom-in on the picture.