
You are my friend? You are found out.

Filed under: — Aprille @ 6:46 pm

I was looking through my site stats, one of the most interesting parts of which is the search terms people use that lead them to my site.  I found several of my friends’ names in the search terms.  If you are one of the people listed below, people are stalking you.  Not counting me.

* Katy Baggs (3 searches)
* Denise Dooley (2 searches)
* LaToya Clarke (not actually my friend, but it is the name of my late computer–2 searches)
* Nick Beary (2 searches)
* Sarah Wentzel-Fisher (1 search)
* Kate Crall (1 search)
* Katy Obert (1 search)
* Sara Stevenson (1 search)
* Emily Olson (1 search)
Other funny searches:

* “famousness is good”
* “people trapped in quicksand”
* “hiking topless” (imagine how dangerous tree branches could be)
* “Denise Dooley naked”  (Whoa, Denise!)
* “buttcrack showing jeans”
* “Periodic table baby clothes” (no idea, but I want some)

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