
Can you tell it’s almost time to go home?

Filed under: — Aprille @ 5:11 pm

When we were visiting John and Patty earlier this month, Patty made really good popovers for breakfast.  I was looking around for a recipe, and I found one that was highly rated.  I was reading through the reviews, and I found one that criticized the authenticity of this particular recipe.

It said:  “This recipe WILL NOT give you popovers. More like poopovers.”

And I said:  “HAHAHAHA!  Poopovers.”

Links reborn

Filed under: — Aprille @ 3:14 pm

I used to post funny links a lot.  I seem to have gotten out of the habit of that, which is a shame, because it was good fun.

Today marks the beginning of a new area, a personal renaissance of funny link posting.

To kick things off:

A man who takes pictures of himself sitting on things, with the fantasy that he is crushing actual buildings and stuff.  (No nudity.)

Thanks to Luke for finding this.  Luke is not the owner of the butt in the picture.

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