Holiday roundup
Despite some weather-related challenges, we got where we needed to go safely. It was nice to see everyone, and we ate a lot of good food (although my stomach is so squished I can’t eat the quantities I’d like to, which grumps me out) and gave/received many lovely gifts. We ended up coming home a day early because Denny came down with a cold, I was getting over a cold, and I’m 8 months pregnant. We both thought we’d benefit from a quiet day of relaxation.
Some highlights:
- Denny’s cousin’s wife gave me a hand-made baby sling similar to this one but in nicer colors. She put a lot of work into it, and it was so thoughtful of her. I put the stuffed frog into it yesterday and wore it around the house for a while.
- Denny briefly caught fire but was uninjured (I cannot say the same for his sweater). It was an unfortunate incident involving a candle, a window seat, and leaning back too far.
- We ate sushi on Christmas night and got fawned over by the waitress and saw a cute toddler sushi patron.
Look what I got in my stocking. Yum yum/pretty pretty.