Thanks for all the comments, you guys. It’s really touching to know so many people care.
My two special guys:
We’re pretty sure we’ve decided on a name, but until we’ve actually signed the forms, I’m going to keep a lid on it, just in case we change our minds.
Yahoo News
Here’s my contribution to the news media:
They used several of my photos, including that very first one you see (I think it was the ethnic diversity that sold it), and I’m the first person you hear talking. Even Bisquito got some time on-screen—that’s my belly with an Obama sticker on it.
It’s also available as a link on the main Yahoo News page: the link under “Related Coverage” that says “Audio Slideshow: an inside view of the caucuses.”
This is the most famous I’ve ever been
Holy crap, Elizabeth Edwards signed my blog. Thanks, Mrs. Edwards. You’re a class act.
The caucuses were fun but tiring. Obama won big in my precinct, which was nice. I ended up going straight to Obama and staying there, for two primary reasons: I got a chair right away, and it also seemed like Biden and Dodd weren’t going to get their 15%, so I could save myself some work by holding still.
Due to posting those pictures on Flickr, I got a request to do a phone interview with Yahoo News. I called the guy, and he wasn’t quite ready to do it so he’s going to call me back. I actually said on the phone with him that I had Googled him and he seemed legit, then I said, “Oh, crap. I shouldn’t say I Googled a Yahoo employee, should I?” I think he forgave me, though.
Apparently it will work as an audio slideshow. They’ll show my pictures and have sound bites from the interview playing. Exciting! I’ll update this when I have more details. I fully predict that I will be talking fast and I’ll hate the sound of my voice, because that’s how it always is.
Also, my favorite mild profanity is clearly crap.
My new friend Elizabeth E.
Denny and I and some friends from work went to hear John Edwards today. He actually had very little to say (“Remember to caucus tonight. Be on time.”), but the best part was when he said, “My wife is here somewhere. Where is she?” and this short woman standing immediately in front of us started waving.
She was very nice. We all shook her hand. Some lady also standing near us started telling her about her adult daughter, who died of the same kind of cancer Elizabeth Edwards has. I thought that was kind of weird. Like Elizabeth Edwards isn’t tired and stressed out enough right now; does she really need to be reminded that death may well be imminent?
John Edwards did impress me with his punctuality. He got there right on time, even though he only talked for about five minutes. It’s all got to be a huge whirlwind for all the candidates right now. He looked older in person; on TV it always looks like he has kind of a baby face, but he looked kind of wrinkly live. I imagine the intense campaign schedule would contribute to that.
Just 5 more hours until the caucus insanity…
Help for the indecisive
For those of you who are considering caucusing for an improbable candidate on the first round (or really anyone who just wants to learn more about the candidates on important issues), check this out:
It’s a site that lets you compare any two candidates on the same issues. I had basically no opinion of Dodd going into this (except that he cosponsored FMLA and advocates for 8 weeks paid maternity leave, which Denny informed me of last night, and is awesome), but I was comparing him to Biden, and I prefer Dodd’s positions on capital punishment and gun control. I like Biden better on gay marriage, education, and environmental issues.
It’s all very confusing, but at least I’m feeling a little more informed while confused.
Almost caucus time
Happy New Year.
You know what I am most excited about happening in the next two days? NO MORE PHONE CALLS AND JUNK MAIL FROM DEMOCRATS.
Listen, Democrats. I like you. I appreciate that you are working hard for something you believe in. However, my opinions are not easily swayed by strangers on the phone. I am most likely to gather my political knowledge from media research (traditional media and blogs) and discussions with family and friends. When you call me, you just annoy me.
I don’t even answer the phone anymore if the caller ID doesn’t show a number I recognize.
Worse yet is the wastefulness of the paper mailings. I realize it’s mind-blowing that spouses could have different last names, but believe it or not, Denny and I do not need two copies of every multi-page, glossy campaign ad. I’m looking at you, John Edwards. Weirder still, we just got one copy of his Christmas card.
It is all a giant mystery.
Also—this just in: sparkling cider is not as good as champagne.