
Anniversary tapas

Filed under: — Aprille @ 6:24 pm

I think I’m more tired out by mental work than physical work.  To that end, I chose tapas for our anniversary dinner, because even though they’re kind of fussy and require some effort, I’ve made them so many times I don’t have to think.  The only thing I did that was at all new was the beverage.

The tapas were some of our standards:  baguette with manchego ibérico cheese (Tobin and I had a talk at the Co-op today and decided on the milder cheese that his daddy would probably prefer) and jamón serrano; bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with Maytag bleu cheese and almonds; asparagus that I cooked simply in a cast-iron pan with butter and S&P.  The baguette thingies got a drizzle of good Spanish olive oil and S&P as well.

For the bev, I macerated some sliced peaches (our special fruit) and Rainier cherries in amaretto and peach schnapps and lemon juice.  At serving time, I put a couple of pieces of fruit into each champagne flute along with a couple of spoonfuls of the liquid, then topped with champagne.

It was actually some sort of California sparkling wine, but you know.  It was good and I may just go have some more now, because it’s not going to keep, right?

Splorts, Illustrated

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:23 pm

I got this idea from Martha Stewart of all places (via Pinterest, probably).  I don’t know their official name, but we call them splorts.

They’re a really fun water toy.  They’re not quite as scary as water balloons for little kids, and they’re way less work than filling a million small balloons.  They also don’t leave latex crumbs all over the yard, which is important when you have a Tobin who puts everything in his mouth.  I also like that they use less water than the sprinkler in these droughty times.

Here’s what you do:  take four cheap sponges and cut them length-wise into 4 strips (I used a bread knife).  Gather them tightly in the middle with a rubber band and fluff them out.  Soak in water and throw at your target beloved child.  We just bring a big bowl out into the yard, fill it with the hose, and reload the splorts as necessary.

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