
Love and marriage

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:34 pm

Miles has been talking a lot lately about being boyfriend/girlfriend and marriage.

M: Sometimes it’s a husband and husband or wife and wife.

A: That’s true. Jane and Linda across the street are wife and wife.

M: I thought they weren’t married.

A: No, I’m pretty sure they are.

M: But WHY wasn’t I THERE??

Poor dude loves a wedding and was so mad that he missed that one.

Shortly after…

M:  When you and Daddy were boyfriend and girlfriend, you dated?

A:  Yes.

M:  What did you do?

A:  Well, we went out to dinner, like to the Lincoln Café.  We went to movies…

M:  When you and I date, I want to go to movies, because I love movies.

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