
Don’t choke on your joke

Filed under: — Aprille @ 7:26 pm

Miles told us some jokes at dinner.

M:  Why did the chicken cross the road?

A:  Why?

M:  It didn’t.

M:  Why did the baby chicken cross the road?

A:  Why?

M:  It wanted to practice its walking skills.  It was actually a bridge, so it wasn’t as dangerous.

M:  How did the finger cross the road?

A:  How?

M:  The rest of it was invisible and all you could see was the finger.

Tobin told one too.

T:  Knock knock who’s there?

A:  Who’s there?

T:  How do you put a drum in a circle?

A:  How?

T:  Put a strawberry in a circle!

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