
Stuff the kids have said lately

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:33 pm

I haven’t been doing a good job keeping up with these on the blog, but Facebook is ephemeral, so here’s some copy-paste:



Denny: Hey Google, what’s the temperature?
Mrs. Google: …
Denny, with exaggerated enunciation: Hey Google, what’s the temperature?
Mrs. Google: The temperature in Iowa City is 76 degrees.
Callum: Why did you say that so glorious?


Callum was making me “lunch” with his play kitchen.
C: What would you like?
A: Do you have any chef’s specials to recommend?
C: Yes, steak.
A: That sounds good. What kind of steak?
C: Steak…on the cob.


Callum: What’s the planet with the funniest name?
Aprille: Uranus.
C: No, that’s the coldest planet.
A: Oh. So what’s the planet with the funniest name?
C: Herculee.


Miles was being irritating and amusing at the same time (an area in which all my children excel).

Aprille: Miles, while I don’t always appreciate your attitude, I do appreciate your wit.
Tobin: I’m the one who made the big buns joke!


Tobin and Callum were playing a game bopping a balloon around.
T: Are you excited about our Colorado trip?
C: Yes, that’s why I’m bouncing the balloon so hard!


Miles: How old do you think Mom is?
Callum: Eleven long minutes.


“A tail is just a necktie for your butt.” –Miles, quoting Calvin & Hobbes and almost making me an unsafe driver for all the cracking up I was doing while driving.


At bedtime last night, I was reading Callum the book Strongman by Meghan McCarthy, a kid-friendly biography of Charles Atlas. We got to the page where Charles Atlas is shown pulling a 145,00-pound train with a rope.

C: Why did he put on that face?
A: He’s working hard. Do you ever make a funny face when you’re working hard?
C: I don’t lift weights. Look at my arm!

Then he held up his tiny little arm to prove his point.


Callum was eating waffles for breakfast

A: (eyeing him suspiciously)
C: I’m rubbing the syrup OFF my hair.


As the boys were getting ready for baseball last night:

A: Would you like a Claritin before you go out to the ballpark?
M: You gave me one this morning.
A: I did?
M: Yes.
A: I have no memory of that, but I believe you.
T: He’s right. You did. Your coffee hadn’t kicked in yet.


T: What’s he [Denny] doing?
A: He’s making roasted broccoli.
T: By himself?
A: Yes. He’s a big boy now.
T: He was always a big boy.
A: That’s true.
T: A big boy who didn’t know how to cook.



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