
Yahoo News

Filed under: — Aprille @ 6:56 am

Here’s my contribution to the news media:


They used several of my photos, including that very first one you see (I think it was the ethnic diversity that sold it), and I’m the first person you hear talking. Even Bisquito got some time on-screen—that’s my belly with an Obama sticker on it.

It’s also available as a link on the main Yahoo News page: the link under “Related Coverage” that says “Audio Slideshow: an inside view of the caucuses.”

11 responses to “Yahoo News”

  1. Wade says:

    You rock!

  2. map says:

    I love the “Standing with Obama” sticker on the belly of the seated pregnant lady.

  3. jack says:

    Pretty cool stuff! Many Iowans get to rub elbows with political celebrities during these interesting periods, but getting a blog comment from Elizabeth Edwards and being solicited for a front-page feature on Yahoo News in the same week? Nice.

    On the subject of celebrity sightings — some of Holly’s students told her they saw Scarlett Johansson in a coffee shop in downtown Mt. Vernon; apparently she was there in support of one of the candidates. I hadn’t seen or heard as much about ol’-fashioned celebrity-type celebrities this time around, so I thought that was interesting.

    Of course, Holly’s students also told her they saw Mitt Romney in the same coffee shop on a different day, and were flummoxed when she called BS on that story, so who knows.

  4. Steve Polyak says:

    that is awesome aprille. great job.

  5. Katy O says:

    I was very jealous of you sitting in that chair over there… I was standing with sweat streaming down my face in the back listening to angsty early twenty somethings complain that there wasn’t any beer there and no good music act. I think they were confused about what a caucas was like.
    p.s. My friend Brian also made national news with his “I’m the republican that Barack warned you about” t-shirt.

  6. janna says:

    Great photos (and interview!) – how exciting!

  7. Katy Baggs says:

    Awesome! Also: you sound different on the phone!

  8. Mark Maddy says:

    Nicely done. And as added bonus ~ you come across so much more eloquently than your Republican counterpart. Were it not for the photographic evidence…..I could have believed that the poor dear might actually have been at a church social instead…..
    I think Caucus is officially my favorite holiday! I mean seriously ~ how often do you get to bump into Madeline Albright while playing pool in a smokey bar in Des Moines?! True story.

  9. buzz says:

    Wow, very nicely done! You sound so….official. Great job!

  10. Linds says:

    “Nicely done. And as added bonus ~ you come across so much more eloquently than your Republican counterpart.”


    also, did you go into labor???

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