
James in Jeopardy

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:47 am

That title would work better in Spanish, where in and  on are the same word and thus punnier.

Anyway, my total friend James is going to be on total Jeopardy (I know there’s supposed to be an exclamation point there, but I can’t bring myself to do it mid-sentence) on June 23.  You can read an article about his experience if you like.

He is sworn to secrecy about how it all went, but James is one of the most data-ful people I’ve ever met, so I’m optimistic.  However, a high school teacher of mine was also on Jeopardy, and he said it was really more about buzzer timing than knowledge, that everyone was buzzing in on every answer, but you have to hit the button at just the right moment.

Still, I’m very excited to watch James.  I hope Alex Trebek did some of his annoying hyper-French pronunciations of words.  That cracks me up.

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