I spin salad right round, baby, right round.
The wedding shower was fun. I was stressed out about nothing. It was all very low-key and pleasant, and there was great food, including my favorite mini cheesecakes. They show up at all the parties; they must be easy to acquire somehow. Please, nobody tell me where you get them, because if I knew, my fridge would be permanently stocked with them and all this healthy eating and exercising I’ve been doing would be for naught.
In hilarious news, we got four (4) salad spinners. I am not denying the value of the salad spinner; I’ve been wanting one for a long time, which is why we registered for one. Additionally, just the other night I bought one as a gift for someone else that I haven’t yet given her, so our home currently contains five (5) salad spinners. So if anyone wants to come over for a salad-spinning party, you’re more than welcome.
In other news: I always thought cat owners were weird; here’s proof. Apparently half the human population of Great Britain is infected by a parasite they pick up from cats, and one study suggests that the parasite settles in the brain and can cause behavioral changes. In men, these changes include becoming more aggressive, antisocial, and less attractive. Women become less trustworthy, yet more fun-loving and promiscuous.
Weird! Thanks for the link, James.
So, do crazy cat-ladies get lots of cats because they are crazy, or is it all the cats that MAKE them crazy?
I’d guess it’s one of those “a little from column A, a little from column B” kind of situations.
My mom loaned me her cat because I’m sad about losing Fizzy. Frankly, I think she was happy to get rid of the thing for a while. She’s a nice cat, but I’m not a cat person. Plus, this morning I woke up to her yacking a hairball; I think she just wore out her welcome. I’m still driving myself nuts trying to decide if I want a new dog. I go back and forth. There are certainly reasons not to get another dog… time commitments, money, being tied down – it’s a lot of work to be a good dog owner!… it’s easy to decide that it’s all worth it when there’s a cute little puppy in my arms. But am I over Fizzy? No. Do I need to be? Who knows!? Bah!
And *SERIOUSLY* … WHO requested the Iowa fight song to be played at your wedding? Lame, people. Lame.
As I may be a chief suspect accused of requesting the Iowa Fight Song – I want to state for the record that it was not me. I don’t know how many other die-hard Hawkeye fans were invited to the wedding – but I have successfully refrained from requesting ANY songs at all. Also – speaking as a weird cat owner – I can honestly say that you really should not trust me, and while I am very fun-loving, it is difficult to be promiscuous when all the men on the planet are married.