
Today is July 1.

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:15 pm

Holy crap, people. I’m getting married this month. I am 70% excited and 30% nervous/stressed. There’s a lot to do, but I think if I do a good job delegating, things will get done. As I am not much of a detail person, I think my last detail-oriented task will be to make a good, thorough list of tasks and assign them to people.

I’m going to a thingy for my ten-year high school reunion tonight. It’s just an informal get-together at a bar in Ames, and the real reunion is tomorrow. I’m a little nervous, what with the social awkwardness and all, but at least I’ll have my dear friends Sara and Emily (and Denny, who is being suckered into this) with me. I’m not going to the actual reunion, because on Saturday we’re going up to Decorah to my friend Rachel’s wedding. It is certainly a busy time.

So, enough about me. Blogs are, almost by definition, rather egocentric. At least amateur blogs such as this one are. I always admire people who write about interesting, thoughtful issues on their blogs, so I try to do that now and then. More often than not, though, it just ends up being “blah blah blah, this about my wedding, that’s what I cooked for dinner.” Here is some thoughtful stuff to make me seem less self-absorbed than this blog would otherwise indicate.

Hey, did you hear that Sandra Day O’Connor resigned? That’s weird. I thought Supreme Court Justices kept on being judgemental until they got hauled off to the glue factory. Not that I’m the hugest Sandra Day O’Connor fan in the world–I mean it’s cool that she was the first female SCJ and all, but obviously it’s not enough to just be part of a large segment of the population that I generally approve of (Clarence Thomas, I’m looking at you, you big a-hole). I hope GW takes a look at the general tendencies of this nation and at least appoints a moderate. Of course, he considers Scalia to be a “model justice,” so let’s not get our hopes up that GW will act in a thoughtful manner that transcends his religious-right ass-kissing and reflects the fact that nearly half of Americans wish he and his cronies weren’t in charge.

If you are wondering why I used the word “ass-kissing” up there but euphemized “a-hole” when referring to Clarence Thomas, it’s because I believe that vulgar name-calling is poor form. Never mind the fact that I often call bad drivers “ho-bags.” It’s totally different.

3 responses to “Today is July 1.”

  1. Lettie says:

    I like that your blog is about you. Blogs about “real stuff” sometimes seem so impersonal. It’s fun for me to read your blog too, because I get to know you better. Have fun at the AHS “gathering” tonight.

  2. Liz says:

    Denny was there and I didn’t get to meet him? I should have read this earlier! Anyway, it was neat to see you real-life again, like I said.

  3. Liz says:

    P.S. I totally forgot to ask you to tell your parents hi for me!

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