More wedding stuff: I am Ebay mad
I think I may have caught my grandmother Maw’s Ebay bug. I had been casually looking around antiques stores for brooches to wear on my wedding dress (mine came with one but I don’t really like it, plus I thought it would be fun to have a “something old” right there). I never found anything I liked in any antiques store, but Ebay has a plethora of nice things.
I won two Ebay auctions for brooches, because I can’t decide which one I like better. I like the blue one because it goes with my wedding colors, but the other one goes better with the beautiful earrings my mom gave me. I haven’t received either of them yet, so I’ll have to make the decision when I see them live. Here are the pictures:
I’m also bidding on a bracelet. It’s pretty. I’m seriously going to quit after I get my wedding jewelry figured out. I’m not going to let this become an addiction, I promise. I’m not going to post the picture because it’s bad luck to show someone what you’re bidding on before you get it. I learned my lesson on that one. Sheesh.
Maw would be so proud. I’m not sure I’m going to tell her, though, because she might start doing your jewelery shopping for you. She can get a little carried away. Remember the travel alarm clocks?