I had a busy weekend that is leading into another busy week.
Even my horoscope said, “Slow down, woman. You’re too busy.”
There are about eighteen movies playing that I want to see, but I haven’t had a chance to see any of them. For example:
1. Corpse Bride
2. The Constant Gardener
3. Mad Hot Ballroom
4. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
5. March of the Penguins
6. The Aristocrats
7. Wedding Crashers
These are all playing at a theatre near me. And yet, I have no plans to see any of them, because my life is hogged up something fierce. Which ones are the best? If I have three nights in the next month to go to the movies, which three should I see? I believe Mad Hot Ballroom is leaving soon. Plus I want to go to the Rabassa lecture tomorrow.
corpse bride was generally disappointing. the graphics were cool but the story wasn’t great – its really geared more towards kids and its very short, just over an hour. its my least favorite tim burton movie so far.
The only one I’ve seen is Aristocrats. It’s really, really funny, especially when Bob Saget talks about skullfucking.
That said, it’s definitely uneven.
My druthers, I’d go see March of the Penguins.
Thanks for the advice. And James, I’m sorry if my comment about you being six inches from greatness hurt your feelings. I meant it as much as a compliment as anything–you are seriously accomplished in so many fields, and it seems like if you nudged yourself in any given direction, you would have a huge impact. Consider it a comment of respect and admiration, and perhaps an attempt to spur you toward reaching your potential.
Oh, no! No no no! I know you meant it as a compliment, and I really took it as one. It’s something I have been thinking seriously about lately. Thanks, Aprille.
March of the Penguins simply rocked. And that’s all I have to say about that.