I’ve been waiting and hoping to get a geo-tracking hit from Africa, and I finally got one. It’s from somewhere in the northeast of South Africa.
I assume it’s my friend Charlize Theron, home visiting for the holidays. I hope it’s not Winnie Mandela. I hear she’s a jerk. It’s a good thing The Cosby Show got cancelled before the Winnie Mandela domestic help abuse scandal broke, because otherwise Sonya’s daughter would have felt like a jerk for being named after her. Also, it’s a good thing that The Cosby Show is fiction.
Note: I am not actually friends with Charlize Theron, but I think she’s beautiful and a good actor. What’s more, I used her picture as an example for my last haircut. If she is interested in becoming friends with me, I hope she takes this opportunity to get in touch.
i am going on a limb, the limb being the cosby show. i am not going on the cosby show.
today there was a cosby sweater contest/ pictures with santa deal at school. santa was handing out jello pudding for good sweaters. i gote one.
that was my comment. i forgot to put my name in
What flavor pudding was it, Erin? And what was your sweater like?
my sweater had a giant tree on the front with sheep and houses all over the place. i got vanilla pudding although there was also the option of chocolate. it was a good deal
Charlize Theron is such a very very beautiful woman. She also has a flawless skin and i love her acting skills..
Charlize Theron is getting old now but she is still fiery hot and flawless-‘`
Charlize Theron also have that mysterious smile~-:
it is nice to know that Charlize Theron has a flawless skin in real life–~