More stuff the kids have said
I was cuddling Tobin on the couch before school. I had my arms wrapped around him.
T: Your arm smells like Mubby and Skitter’s house.
A: (sniffing and not discerning anything) Really?
T: Yeah, it smells like Joe‘s coffee.
A: Is that different from my coffee?
When I was pregnant with Tobin, I was the sickest out of all my pregnancies, and smells really bothered me. Maybe he’s a super-sniffer and transferred his power to me while he was in there.
C: Can we go to the splash pad?
A: Oh, that would be fun, but it’s too cold out.
C: I meant we would wear our coats.
I was taking Callum into the bathroom to wash his hands for dinner, and he shut the door in my face.
C: I need to shut the door so you don’t annoy me.
Callum was sliding out of his car seat and slipped a little.
A: Are you okay?
C: I hurt my sweet little buttcheek!
A: What’s your favorite movie?
T: Probably that one about the guy who’s part wolf and really good at basketball.
[I don’t even remember what we were talking about, but Denny and I were in the dining room and there may have been a nice 10-year Tempranillo involved.]
A: Hot damn, Crall!
C: (from some other room, in his little voice) Hot damn, Crall! Hot damn, Crall!
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