
Reverse-seared steaks

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:27 pm

Here’s that reverse sear technique we like for steaks (thanks to Kenji Lopez-Alt).

Preheat oven to 300F (note: Kenji suggests cooler than that, but we found it took too long). It’s better to have thicker steaks for this recipe.

Dry steaks well and season generously. Place on cooking racks over baking trays. Cook until 115F (this is for medium-rare; for rare, remove at 105F) in center (20-25 minutes).

Sear steak in a hot pan (but not the front-left burner–remember when it caught on fire?) and remove when they reach 125F for medium-rare. Serve with compound butter.

Compound butter: approximately equal measures softened butter and finely-grated parmesan. Add a generous shake of paprika, ground chipotle, and a squirt of Sriracha.


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