
Repeat of 8-ball

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:36 pm

Because my day is too crazy busy to compose anything original, I’m going to repeat the iTunes Magic 8-Ball game. It’s fun and easy, that’s why. To sum up the rules: put iTunes on shuffle, then answer the questions with the song titles that come up as you randomly progress through music. The results will shock you or possibly make you think they are entirely irrelevant.

How does the world see me? “That’s Not Me,” Beach Boys (who do they think it is, then?)
Will I have a happy life? “My Baby Got Sauce,” G Love and Special Sauce (this seems positive. It’s a fun song.)
What do my friends think of me? “Spanish Bombs,” the Clash (I am not a violent girl.)
Do people secretly lust after me? “Dance on Vaseline,” David Byrne (gross)
How can I make myself happy? “Start Me Up,” Rolling Stones (Seems logical.)
What should I do with my life? “Bus to Beelzebubt,” Soul Coughing (Oookay.)
Will I ever have children? “Birds Vs. Worms,” Modest Mouse (Baby birds? Baby worms?)
What is some good advice for me? “Praise You,” Fatboy Slim (I think you are the greatest, my readers!)
How will I be remembered? “Evil Hearted You,” the Pixies (I’m really trying to cut down on the evil)
What is my signature dancing song? “The Stranger Song,” Leonard Cohen
(pretty, but not so good for dancing)
What is my current theme song? “Gunshy,” Liz Phair (It’s true that I’m shy of guns)
What song will play at my funeral? “Ship Song,” Concrete Blonde version (Beautiful song. Good choice.)
What type of men/women do you like? “Girls,” Beastie Boys (hah! Don’t tell Denny!)
What is your day going to be like? “Lorelei,” the Pogues (My day will be a mythic ghosty type that makes sailors die. No it won’t. Is that who Lorelei was?)

One response to “Repeat of 8-ball”

  1. Nick Beary says:

    Not sure if you’re interested, but I did it for my lj.

    How does the world see me? “Watch That Man” – David Bowie (Awesome to think I’m worth watching.)
    Will I have a happy life? “Angels Watching Over Me” – Jonathan Richman (Sound like I’ll be alright!)
    What do my friends think of me? “Read, Eat, Sleep” – The Books (If I were that lame I’d probably have a better G.P.A.)
    Do people secretly lust after me? “The Great Curve” – Talking Heads (Apparently I’ve a very shapely feminine figure.)
    How can I make myself happy? “God Only Knows” – David Bowie (Not a lot of help there.)
    What should I do with my life? “Where Is My Mind?” – Pixies (First things first, I suppose.)
    Will I ever have children? “Ride a White Swan” – T. Rex (Apparently I will have mixed-species children when I rape a swan.)
    What is some good advice for me? “Blues in the Dark” – Count Basie (I’ll have to remember that next time I’m entertaining a cute boy.)
    How will I be remembered? “Don’t Stop” – Fleetwood Mack (What a freakin’ appropriate song. Keep on keepin’ on!)
    What is my signature dancing song? “First Candy” – Danny Elfman (Quite the etherial dance.)
    What is my current theme song? “Love” – John Lennon (What more can be said? I am getting the word tatooed on me soon, and am currently wearing a shirt that says it in giant letters, nothing else.)
    What song will play at my funeral? “Wrong Time Capsule” – Deerhoof (Does this imply my coffin got switched?)
    What type of men/women do you like? “Flamenco Sketches” – Miles David (I do like the thin boys…)
    What is your day going to be like? “ A Conjunction of Drones Simulating the Way in which Sufjan Stevens Has an Existential Crisis in the Great Godfrey Maze” – Sufjan Stevens (I already didn’t like Sufjan very much. And now he’s going to ruin my day with his existential crises???)

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