That motorcycle caught on fire.
At the Capitoline Museums
A colossus (huge statue) of Constantine that used to stand outside the Colosseum, which gave it its name.
A foot from the colossus.
Here's Denny with it for scale.
She's just regular-sized, but very evocative.
Somebody's got some veiny arms
"Oh, miss!"
A famous ancient bronze statue of a boy pulling a splinter out of his foot
The famous bronze of the she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus.
Who knew the ancient Romans had K-Mart?
Half a bull and a museum staffperson
A statue of a guy draped in lion skin
I liked the doggies.
Check out how smug that angel looks.
The view from the museum terrace
Beams of light in Santa Maria Maggiore basilica
I guess this is my friend Mose's bar.
The head of St. Valentine, Santa Maria in Cosmedin
Candles at Santa Maria in Cosmedin
Flowers outside an ancient temple
Denny at the Bocca della VeritÃ
This is my late grandmother's name, and it's right by the restaurant where we had our romantic dinner that was her Christmas gift to us.
On the Ides of March, some guys were in old-timey outfits doing some sort of reenactment.
Stray cats hang out at the Area Sacra in the Largo Argentina, the site of Caesar's assassination
Beware the Ides of March, yo.
Denny is protecting me from stabby Brutus.
Hadrian is my favorite emperor because he built the Pantheon--one of the greatest feats of engineering in the ancient world--but he put Marcus Agrippa's name on it (Agrippa built an earlier version). Hadrian is so modest.
Outside the Pantheon
The oculus in the roof of the Pantheon.
Raphael's tomb. The inscription says, in part, "In life, Nature feared he would outdo her. In death, she feared that she too would die."